The Field Approach to cost reduction services

Cost Reduction Services

Are you looking to drive costs out of your fastener and fastening systems?

Are you aware that there could be additional features on your parts that are driving your costs up?

Does your current fastener supplier review your parts for cost savings?

Turn to the Field experts. 

We produce immediate and long-term cost savings. Guaranteed.

Check out the article below on a few ways we can help you save! 


Fastener Consolidations

Objective: Reduce the number of different fasteners in use.

  • Global: Create a database to identify consolidation candidates
  • Specific: This study focuses on a specific product line, assembly area or group of fasteners. In addition to the part characteristics, each application is reviewed for consolidation potential.

Print Reviews

We recommend changed to improve the accuracy and clarify of the specifications by using our innovative technical approach


Assembly Line Review

Field representatives observe every step in the assembly process to identify improvements in fastening techniques and methods. A report is submitted identifying current methods and recommendations for improvements, including cost analysis and performance comparisons of alternate fastening methods. Product validation is completed by Field’s engineering team to reduce the time spent by the customer.


Product Teardowns

Most effective when done in conjunction with an assembly line review, the product is disassembled with each application reviews. Recommendations for cost reduction and quality improvement are identified and documented.


Failure Analysis

An analysis of failed samples to identify the probable causes of failure. Methods include evaluation of dimensional and metallurgical characteristics, evaluation of the fracture surface and other attributes and performance testing. Findings are submitted in a technical report.


New Design Review

This is the best time to evaluate fasteners for lowering cost and improving product quality. The Field Team places emphasis on determining optimum fastening methods.


Applications Problem Solving

Our most frequently requested service, we identify specific problem areas for the Field Team to evaluate, conduct performance testing on, and develop detailed recommendations. The team then reviews their report with Engineering.


Technique Consultation

Our experience in the feeding, orienting, and installation of fasteners allows us to be a valuable resource in this area. Services include making recommendations for the design of the mating parts and torque control methods.


Cost Reduction Services: Technical Support Examples

 A fastener evaluation and a suggested change yielded a 54% or $205,000 savings on this unit. 


Field worked directly with the customer to eliminate 22 inserts for an annual savings of $70,000.

Brass insert elimination- Fastening Solutions


This assembly benefited from fastener redesign by Field, eliminating a part and secondary operation, saving $47,000. 10x the fastener cost. 

laser level overhaul- Fastening Solutions


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