Field Notes

Fieldamental 22: Be A Brand Ambassador

Written by Field Fastener | June 14, 2016

BE A BRAND AMBASSADOR. Live our mission statement. Everything we do is built on trust and trust is built on relationships.  Make smart decisions that enhance long-term relationships.  We’re all responsible for, and benefit from, Field’s image and reputation.  Act in a way that brings honor to us all.


I have a great example of what happens when we embrace being a “Brand Ambassador” for Field as a company.  A few years ago, I rode by bicycle downtown Rockford to watch a parade and proudly wore my Field cycling jersey, emboldened with a large Field logo on the front.  While waiting for the parade to start, someone came up to me and asked “do you work at Field”?  I told him that I did and asked in return how he knew about Field?  He went on and on for several minutes telling me about what a great company Field was, that he had been to our facility for a tour recently, he had a friend that worked there and couldn’t believe how great the culture was and he was aware that Field supported several local non-profit organizations.  I stood there, holding onto my bike, in awe of how much this complete stranger knew about Field and our company!  This happened because so many of our team members are Field brand ambassadors.  I could not have been more proud to be a member of the Field team that day.  This person totally “got” the Field brand and understood what we stand for.

So how do we become Field brand ambassadors?  Ensure that everyone who interacts with Field, Love’s us!  Make our Mission Statement happen.  We have done a great job being Field brand ambassadors; it was the 2nd highest rated Fieldamental in the initial benchmark survey.  But we can’t rest on our laurels and take our past performance for granted.

Trust is one of the building blocks of all of real relationships and you are only as trustworthy as your word.  We must stand behind our word, honor our commitments, and just do what we said we will do.  When we do this, our customers get exceptional service, our suppliers want to do more business with Field, our team feels empowered and we are able to support the communities we operate in.  When we truly embrace the Fieldamentals, we generate a “feeling” that makes the Field Brand unique.  Everyone we interact with can all sense it.